Friday, December 10, 2010

President McDavis congratulates graduates at OU sister school in Ghana

By Rachel Ferchak, SUSI web manager

Ohio University President Roderick McDavis delivered the keynote address for the 7th graduation ceremony of the African University College of Communications (AUCC) in Accra, Ghana. During the commencement ceremony on Nov. 10, McDavis spoke on the theme, “Broadening Educational Opportunities through International Communication.”

Throughout the keynote address, McDavis also spoke on the importance of communication in preserving democracy, particularly in Ghana. He also stressed the significance of higher education to developing ideas and values within a nation.

“You must continue to encourage your nation to support, foster and advance communications. It is through the valuation of communications that your country can continue to prosper and maintain its democratic tradition,” McDavis said. “You are the next generation of leaders, thinkers and innovators in Ghana. It is up to you to take what you have learned and apply it in a productive way that will continue to elevate Ghana and the rest of Africa.”

To view additional photos of the AUCC graduation ceremony, please click here.

Not only did McDavis speak at the commencement ceremony, but he also visited other OU sister institutions and met with
students from OU and OU alumni who are from Ghana. At the University of Education in Winneba, McDavis met with the Chancellor and top administration. The meeting in Winneba culminated in plans to formulate a memorandum of understanding between both universities to collaborate in pedagogy and research projects. There is an already established relationship the two universities, since OU has provided a graduate education to some of the faculty at this OU sister institution.

A team of four OU faculty members accompanied McDavis to Ghana, including Dan Weiner, professor and executive director for the Center of International Studies; Stephen Howard, professor and director of African studies; Yusuf Kalyango, assistant professor and director of the Institute for International Journalism; and Paschal Younge, associate professor of multicultural music education.

The IIJ will set up a journalism summer study abroad program in Ghana administered by both OU and the AUCC in Accra, Ghana. Kalyango will visit Accra, Ghana again in late June 2011 to finalize the study abroad program with the faculty at the AUCC. McDavis and his team from OU expressed their appreciation and gratitude for the great hospitality exhibited by the people of Ghana. McDavis’ team was particularly inundated by the generosity from the main host, Kojo Yankah.

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