Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Scripps J-School to Welcome SUSI Scholars

By Amber Skorpenske
IIJ Ambassador

Ohio University’s E. W. Scripps School of Journalism is hosting for the second year, the Study of the U.S. Institute (SUSI) on Journalism and Media program this summer 2011.

The Institute for International Journalism (IIJ) will welcome a diverse and talented group of SUSI journalism and media scholars from 18 countries: Poland, Sudan, Nepal, Colombia, Yemen, Estonia, Nigeria, India, Malaysia, Vietnam, Turkey, Burma, Ukraine, Pakistan, Egypt, Kenya, China and Czech Republic.

The school and IIJ have planned an innovative summer scholars’ program that will challenge the media educators from 18 countries to think in new ways about teaching journalism, media research, and other principles of this ever-changing profession.

The SUSI program is funded by a grant from the Department of State's Study of the U.S. Branch in the Office of Academic Exchange Programs. This year’s program runs from July 4 to August 16, 2011.

Participants in Study of the U.S. Institutes are among the 30,000 professionals and youths who participate in exchanges each year managed by the Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) . Other ECA exchange programs include the Fulbright Program and the International Visitor Leadership Program. Through a range of academic and professional exchanges, the Bureau seeks to increase mutual understanding between the United States and other countries.

"We look forward to learning from the scholars about the academic programs, research, and cultures. We are excited about the introducing the scholars to our campus, Athens local community, and the state of Ohio through tours and cultural activities," said Dr. Yusuf Kalyango, the director of the SUSI program. Participants will visit media outlets and cultural attractions at three major cities in our region - Columbus, Cleveland and Pittsburgh - and will also travel to Atlanta, St. Louis, and Washington, D.C. "It’s going to be an exciting six weeks," Kalyango, said.

The academic program will cover a wide range of topics, issues, and practical skills in journalism and media, with four main themes: media, ethics and society; legal frameworks for media freedoms; scholarly research in journalism and media; roles and responsibilities of journalism in a democracy; international public relations; changing media business models in an era of technological change.

Participants will use social media platforms such as Twitter, including the IIJ Blog and Facebook to share their experience about SUSI and the United States. Watch this space in the coming weeks for regular updates.

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