Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Empire …
By Pascale Chemaly.
The first time I felt in love, was with an imaginary guy that I created in my fantasy, prince charming in every Cinderella story. A unique feeling that makes you fly and ignore everything around you. I am not a little girl anymore, I know prince charming does not exist and he will never come to rescue me on his big white horse. But the feeling of magic was there from first sight, the minute I walked into this huge building. It was an Empire. Huge, enormous place, not only restaurants, not only stores, shops, hotel and departments…
It was an Empire, CNN Empire.

 I love the world of Television, I am a media Practitioner and TV is my Passion but I thought CNN was an ordinary TV station not an Empire and I felt Love at first sight. When I first entered this big building. It was a dream come true. I was charmed. I was in USA with SUSI scholars who loved the place as I did. We met professionals Mr.Tony Maddox EVO of news standards and Practices AT CNN and Mr. Rick Davis International Vise president. If I had to choose I would have stayed for 10 days exploring every department, checking how they work, knowing the secret behind CNN International success. Dream came true, I visited CNN and it was more then expected… Real Love at first sight… I felt in love with a real Charming TV station.

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