Thursday, June 10, 2010

Journalism Abroad: Parents' Taste of Uganda

By Megan Greve

Photos by Lori Lammert & Yusuf Kalyango

The IIJ welcomed parents of the participants of the 2010 Journalism Summer Study Abroad Program to Uganda at the E. W. Scripps School of Journalism. Fourteen Ohio University students will travel to Uganda to study media, governance, and diversity from July 23 to August 23, 2010. All 14 participants attended the weekly orientation seminars and workshops in the spring quarter to prepare them for the trip.

Their parents were invited by the Institute for International Journalism in conjunction with the Ohio University Office of Education Abroad to ask questions about this newly inaugurated journalism study abroad to Africa. The parents’ information session took place in Scripps Hall on June 4, 2010. The parents' session was attended by 23 parents and 13 of the 14 participating students. Two classroom assistants also attended.

On site were the Associate Director of the School - Professor Bob Stewart, the Director of the Office of Education Abroad - Catherine Marshall, the Assistant Director of OU Education Abroad - Lori Lammert, and the program director of the Uganda study abroad program, Professor Yusuf Kalyango. These experts presented information on health, safety, finances and the great opportunity such a study abroad trip would be for the students. They also answered several of questions from parents, ranging from what type of bug spray their children should use, to how to contact the group in case of an emergency.

The speakers asked parents to help get their children ready for the trip this summer by reminding them of health immunizations and other essentials they will need while in Uganda, such as sunscreen, bug spray, and taking their anti-malaria medication. The speakers also encouraged safe money habits and saving cash in dollars before the trip. When the speakers finished the information sessions, the parents and participants were treated to some Ugandan food such as rice-pilawo, chapattis, peanut stew, peas, and samosas. The meals were prepared by Professor Kalyango.