Saturday, January 24, 2009

Why Do They Hate Us?

Reactions from Ohio University "International Journalism" students ...

"Because we rename French fries in "Freedom fries" after France fails to support the United States in our decision to enter Iraq. [...] Americans have the notion that all other countries [...] respect us and want out help. That they wish they could live a life just like ours. We think we are their savior and are surprised to find out differently." Ellen Schnier

"Do first world countries hate us or are they frustrated by some of our policy and ideology? The French may hate that McDonald's is taking over their country one street corner at a time, but I don't think they'd retaliate with violence."
Michael Hess

"The U.S. foreign policy approach of being the city upon the hill, which with missionary zeal wants to spread its own brand of happiness, featured by democracy, capitalism, and consumerism culture, might not reverberate positively with cultures in which happiness is defined otherwise." Stine Eckert

"While it’s certainly not true of every U.S citizen, much of the population knows and
cares to know little about the rest of the world. People visit foreign countries with
ignorance about the different customs of the country they are visiting. Rather than
thinking about their way of behaving as just one among hundreds, they view their
way—the American way—as the only correct way." Taylor Mirfendereski

"Due to an overwhelming sense of ethnocentrism, Americans could not possibly believe that perhaps the U.S. government is hated in some cultures because of our aggressive foreign policy, our tendency to police the world and our military presence in parts of the world where we are not welcome." Emily Mullin

"It is essential to us, especially as U.S. citizens, to understand world opinion about the U.S. and the fundamental problems that are caused by American foreign policy and relations. Most Americans are unaware of the tenets of our foreign policies, and have no idea that often countries and cultures are infuriated by our policies." Cristina Mutchler

"The U.S. is already the strongest, politically and economally, nation in the world, and when a nation that strong pits itself against all other supposedly Anti-American nations, the rest of the world will begin to think of the U.S. as a bully."
Natalie Cammarata

"Another reason we are so negatively looked at is the “throne” America sits on. America, under questionable leadership from both political parties, has assigned itself the position of world police, toppling regimes and overthrowing governments that don’t represent what “the West” feel is a fair government." Gregory Stephens

"I believe that recent events have given people all over the world a chance to disagree with how America handled and is handling the fallout from September 11, evidenced with the current war in Iraq. I believe that this Anti-Americanism movement is in response to the actions of a small group of leaders in the United States government." Celia Shortt

"While the U.S.'s recent policies, including the Iraq War, have been unpopular with other
countries, I believe that the people within that countries can differentiate between the
government and the citizens." Sally Cruikshank

Edited by: Carolin Biebrach
Photos by All rights reserved.

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