Saturday, January 29, 2011

Spend Winter Break Studying in Sunny Southern Africa

A new journalism study abroad program to Africa will be offered by the E. W. Scripps School of Journalism. The Institute for International Journalism (IIJ) in coordination with Ohio University’s Office of Education Abroad (OEA) administers the annual program. Students will take two classes, get hands-on field experience in the media industry, volunteer in advocacy institutions and work alongside government or service sectors in Zambia. The program will start this year in late November shortly after Thanksgiving and end just before Christmas.

This winter-break program includes the following travel excursions:

• Journey to several historical cultural sites and landmarks, including the monumental Victoria Falls (in Zambia).

• Visit a game-drive wildlife park, which includes 2 hours walking tamed lions in a national park, riding elephants, and playing with cheetahs in their wilderness setting.

• Travel to the magnificent scenic parts of Zambia to see flora and fauna.

Ohio University is partnering with the University of Zambia’s Department of Mass Communication in Lusaka, the capital city, to administer the program. Students will increase their understanding of the African history of monarchical rule, cultural norms and political structures shaping governance. Students will observe the inner workings of different media outlets and will partner with non-profit organizations to do volunteer work.

OU students will also learn coalition-building efforts, cross cultural communication, and problem solving skills, as they apprentice with local journalists, other university students, and as they interact with a wide array of academic and peasant contacts. It is designed to give OU students a stand-out lifetime discovery into the wonders of Africa in an academic and enjoyable touristy environment.

Two courses will offer students exposure and immersion into the conditions under which Zambia and the African media in general and journalists operate. They will experience the complexity of the economic and political environment in the news media (TV, Radio, and Magazine), advertising or marketing firms, PR organizations and non-for-profit sector.

This is a very affordable program. Students earn 7 (seven) credit hours toward their respective degrees that includes a required university tier-III course, thereby fast-tracking OU students to graduation.

Applicants should expect this to be a competitive academic expedition. Last year’s journalism program to Uganda attracted 40 OU students. Eligible students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher. Eligibility is also incumbent upon a successful interview and completion of pre-departure orientation in fall 2011.

To learn more, contact the following via email:

Program Director: Dr. Yusuf Kalyango


205 Scripps Hall, Tel: 597-3335

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